"Ask God to put you just where he wants you, and to tell you what he wants you to do, and feel that you are on hand to do it." I LOVE YOU ALL - SEE YA IN TWO!

Monday, October 10, 2011

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

How is everyone? How was conference weekend for you all?  Hope you all enjoyed. If there is one thing I have learned I love conference on the mission especially when people talk about the missionaries :)
So lets start at the beginning of my week.  Another Emergency Transfer!  AGAIN!  This time I stayed in the area though.  I think the Lord is trying to test me.  We recieved a phone call Tuesday night the Elder Graff would be going to the office on Wednesday because there were some new Americans that were coming in that had just recieved there visas.  No this doesnt mean I am trainng, just that some rearrangments were made.  I am now with Elder Nabas a brazilian from São Paulo.  We have basicallly the same amount of time on the mission.  He will pass 8 months in a couple weeks.  I am not actually sure what President was thinking but so far the area hasn´t gone up in flames :)  I am still in the same area and were working really well.  It was a little interesting saying goodbye to Elder Graff. We were both caught off guard and it was pretty hard for both of us because we really wanted to stay together for this next transfer. It is alright though.  I guess that is just  part of the mission. 
Funny Story!  On Tuesday we had to go into the mission before the phone call.  On the way home we decided to go get some ice cream and catch the bus.  As we caught on the bus there was about 50 people over the capacitiy that the bus would hold.  It was pretty squished.  ´´I felt like I was being violated in so many ways´´ NAME THAT MOVIE! Anyways,  as we were squishing our way up front so guy started yelling randomly. ´´HEY HEY HEY WHAT THE!  WHAT IS THIS!´´  I turned and there was chocolate all over him.  Turns out Elder Graff tried making a milk shake and the cup that he was trying to make it in had ice cream still.  The cup exploded.  Elder Graff´s white shurt was now a chocolate covered shirt with a brazilian man yelling ´´MORMONS MORMONS GOT ME DIRTY!´´  The only thing Elder Graff said was ´´my bad´´´and we got of the bus.  We had a good laugh home.  Especially since we missed our stop and had to walk an extra 25 minutes.  
Conference! Was excellent. I actually got to watch it in ENGLISH! Whoop! We went to our Stake Center to watch is with all the members of the stake.  Lucky our zone is our stake so 6 of us Americans got to watch it together. I enjoyed every talk and felt like I learned someting from every one!
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Not the Mormon Church. 
Hope your all having a good week.  Things are going good.  The sun still never lightens up and yes it is still extremely hot!
Love you all!  Have a good week! Tuda Bem :)
Write me !
Elder N. Anderson

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