"Ask God to put you just where he wants you, and to tell you what he wants you to do, and feel that you are on hand to do it." I LOVE YOU ALL - SEE YA IN TWO!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hey Everyone, I got Transferred!

So this week was definatly crazy,  Not only was I thinking about the big wedding day but I was also in the middle of an Emergency Tranfer out of my area on Thursday.  Yes, I officially left Ipanema after 4 months.  The funny thing is I went in to that Area on an Emergency and came out on an Emergency.  Ironic neh?  So anyways this was my week. . .
I emailed President Souza on Monday explaining to him that Elder Boehm was continuing to be sick and it was starting to effect our work in that area.  I figured it was all apart of the mission so I was just sticking it out and hoping that it would get better.  We continued through out our week doing our normal routined stuff up until Wednesday afternoon.  It was interesting during those couple days but we recieved a phone call from Presidente Souza explaning that He thought it would be best for Elder Boehm to go to the office for the rest of the transfer.  I was a little confused at first because one, Presidente as using some words that I didn´t understand and two, I was freaking out inside.  We found out that it wasn´t for sure that I would be leaving. There has been a few tri´s in the mission (Companhionship of 3) and President wanted to figure those out.  So Wednesday we started to go say goodbye in the event that I would be leaving.  That night President called again and said that I would be leaving for sure on Thursday night so we had to make arrangments to leave.  We had to deap clean our apartment because Ipanema was officially being closed for the rest of the transfer.  All I can say is man! I hope I never have to close and area again!  After long goodbyes to a lot of the members and investigators we left Thursday night for Aldeota.  The car that all my stuff was in was packed with 6 suitcases and 4 people! I had suit cases on my lap for about 45 minutes and I am pretty sure my legs went number for 40 minutes.  After getting to Aldeota I met my new companion.  Elder Graff, From Alabama New Area - Expedicionários.  We arrived in the area that night and so everyone thats were I will be until further notice.  I honestly think I will be here through Christmas. 
Elder Graff has been out for about 14 months and we live in a house of 4 missionaries.  2 Brasileros and 2 Americanos.  It is a lot different but I am enjoing it.  One of the Brasilians was in the MTC with me at the same time so we were good friends before we even got to Fortaleza.  The area is HUGE! but it is super nice.  There are a lot of people to work with and right now our chapel is a ´´casapela´´ meaning it is not a chapel its a house made into a chapel.  They just divided this ward about 2 months ago and the new chapel is being built and should be done in November.  It is way different but I am liking it.  I was thinking that my language was going to slow down a lot, but it is actually that complete oppisite.  Even though I am with an American we still speak Portugues almost 100% of the time.  I have seen the improvement and it is nice being in a new area that don´t know that I am new from the beginning.  They talk to me like a regular person and yes, I am speaking really well now. 
Because I am in a new area this also means that I have to explain to people that I am not a brasilian! Everyone that I meet always starts with,  ´´So where you from?, São Paulo´´  They have the best reactions when I say ´´No, I am Americana.´´  It takes them a little while for them to believe me. 
This week was a highlighted one but I am glad to be here. We have a good member base and they are willing to help to us with anything.  Elder Graff is an awesome companion and we will be working our tails off in this area.  President Souza wants this area to grow like crazy so we have our work ahead of us.  I am excited for it all! 
Have a good week everyone!  I Love you! tchau
Elder N. Anderson

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