"Ask God to put you just where he wants you, and to tell you what he wants you to do, and feel that you are on hand to do it." I LOVE YOU ALL - SEE YA IN TWO!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Great week in Sao Paulo!

Hey Everyone! Well this week has been very good indeed its awesome i realized how fast time flies and how fast time is moving while being in the CTM.  6 weeks today! 3 weeks as of yesterday! hard to believe but Im counting down the days. 20 left until FORTALEZA! Im excited to go because all my Fortalezans left yesterday for the field.  They were only here for 3 weeks because of course they already know the languauge but its ok because I will be with them soon :).  Last wedensday after email we left the CTM to go run some errands around town.  We just went over to the postoffice and did some other stuff.  P.s.  Mom Anything come to your email about missionaryties? thats something to look into.  Its just like dearelder except specifically for Brazil.  Hopefully you get something soon about it. (missionties.com, I believe is the website)  When we were out, I felt a little like Dad trying to barter with the brazilians.  Trying to use the words I know and asking the questions as best as I could.  Alicia, I brought back my St. Martin skills and tryied to barter with the locals.  Didnt work so well haha! I recieved a new calling, Piano Player for the CTM Choir.  Yes thats right someone said I played and they came asking.  So now every Sunday and Tuesday evening I play for the CTM choir.  Its pretty fun.  Mom thanks for making me stick with piano lessons all those years.  I guess you knew that some day I would be playing for choirs some day.  I forget to tell you last week, at conference, there was a photographer here taking pictures of the missionaries at conference.  From what Sister Clark (wife of president) told me, she was from the ensign.  So look for me next month! There has been alot of lightning storms this past week.  Everyday the dark clouds move in around 4pm and then it just starts to down poor and the lightning and thunder come rolling in.  Its really cool! however, the brazilians say its a common thing at this time because of the air.  All apart of the fall.  On Sunday I learned that there are 15 stakes in the city of Fortazleza alone! Which is incrediable since there is that many in just one city! Supposively the temple there has started constructiona and it might be done before i leave!  There was also a good talk given in church, in which our first counselor in the branch presidency talked about the country of Brazil and the Prophesy being fulled.  When Elder Nelson came to dedicate the CTM he said that if the members of brazil remain faithful they will be blessed in all of their doings and this is a promised land that will be richly blessed.  That was said about 13 years ago. and Today i can see that coming true! Everyone talks about Brazil as if it was Heaven on Earth and its true that everyone is faithful. Look up everything on how the Brazil economy is booming and youll see! Yesterday we did a fun activity in class.  We were given a random word and had to make a short contact with it.  I had ´´cake, shoes, orphan, and book´´  interesting words to use, but i made it work.  For the record there is yet again another Nicholas Anderson here from Seattle.  Must be a good name to have or something haha! Mom did i leave that yellow fever card at home? if so ill need that to get back home. just letting you know.  Well today we went to the Federal Police station to get fingerprinted so I could get a residence card for Brazil.  Looks like Ill be staying here for awhile :) Each day i wake up more and more excited for the Field. This week i focused on my purpose and Why i here?  I decided that even if i left tomorrow this experiences that Ive had would have already changed who i am.  I becoming more firm with this gospel and i know its true! ´´The gospel is here to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable´´ Harold B. Lee    The work is progressing and I love you all! Thanks for your support and prayers! Time to go barter with some more brazileros.  Love you! Elder Anderson

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