It was a busy week every single day. Lessons taught, new people looking for answers and lots of prayers said. We began visting alot of people who have had first lessons and so we did alot of follow up visits with commitments and so forth. There were many who liked our message and wanted to learn as much as they could. We focused on 3 investigators in particular every day this week. This week was my first week with alot of new experiences on the mission. First I will start with the Brazilian Wedding. So we had two investigators that were planning to go get married the day before their baptism downtown. Usually brazilians get civily wed first before the actual ceremony sometimes they don´t even have a ceremony, but Tuda Bem! Anyways so Friday E. Birdsall and I took our fancy smacy bus ride down to Centrol to go to the Civil Certificates place. We ended up being the first ones there and I will guess this by saying that some people thought we were there to get married. So that picture is us waiting. We were a little nervous because we ended up waiting for an hour for Solange and Leandro to show. Like you see We ammused ourselves with taking pictures :) It was a cool little ceremony with a judge, witnesses, some family, and of coarse the missionaries. Saturday night we had the actual ceremony at the chapel in which of coarse E. Birdsall and I planned, set up, and made sure the bride was ready to go. We definatly played wedding planners. Missy need any tips? haha
The second experiece was Baptisms! WHAT WHAT! #1,2 and 3 on Saturday morning. All week Leandro and Joelma had doubts all the way up until the day of. They said they were ready but almost backed out towards the end. We had Joelma ready to go two weeks ago but she said the she wasnt sure. Sometimes you just have push your point of few aside and go to the scriptures for some good convincing evidence that this is the right thing. When we went to go pick her up she seemed confident but we still werent sure. A friend of hers said ´´Hey Joelma Where are you going!?´´ Her response was ´´I am going to go get baptized in the church of Mormons. Elder Birdsall and I had smiles from ear to ear and said YES! She said that was all she needed was some one to ask what she was going to do.. About 15 minutes til the service Leandro said he was not going to go through and so E. Birdsall said ok and walked away a little frustrated. I decided to just go ask one more time and his response was ´´why?´´and I wasn´t really sure what to say, the first thing that came to mind was his wife so I said because your wife loves you and wants you too. With that it must have hit him hard because he was the First one in the water haha.
My week was highlighted by these two events this weekend. Lots of pictures and memories that will make my entire mission.
´´Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good Soldier of Jesus Christ´´ 2 Tim. 2:3
I love you all and I continually blessed by your support and love everyday! Tuda Bem!
Elder Anderson
To My Dad: Happy Birthday! and Father´s Day! I love you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdXYWWow_Sc
Baptisms #1,2 and 3! Solange, Leandro and Joelma
After the Wedding ceremony on Saturday night
Couple of Elders waiting to get married
Ants, Dont they look Yummy?
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