"Ask God to put you just where he wants you, and to tell you what he wants you to do, and feel that you are on hand to do it." I LOVE YOU ALL - SEE YA IN TWO!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Safe and Sound in Fortaleza!! HE MADE IT!

Ola Familia!
  Yes.  It is I Elder Anderson and the long awaited 7 months to Fortaleza is finally over! Its been a long morning so I´ll try and tell you all the details from last week til now.  Unfortunatly my new P-day is Mondays so I just barely missed it.  So since last week I had another District at the CTM.  On Friday my old district all left for the field so yet again I was placed in another.  Dad- I forgot to tell you the Pres. Nelson´s son, Elder Nelson was in my most previous district I also knew him from provo so it cool connecting the dots with him.  When I walked into my new district on Friday the first thing that I found out was that we were going contacting again. So for my third time I went back to the polista to place OLM and basically talk to as many people as a I could.  My new comp was a familiar face, Elder Jubtiz, from my district in Provo.  He recieved his visa about 3 weeks after me so he had a shorter time at the CTM.  After we got on the bus to head downtown, Elder Jubitz wasn´t really sure what to expect.  Lucky for him it was my third time so I told him how it was gonna happen.  We ended up placing 7 OLM and talking to many more.  It was nice because I actually had my contact down and knew exactly what i was saying.  Funny how you feel like you havent learned at all for 3 weeks and in reality you have learned alot more.  After contacting we headed back to the CTM for Almoço (Lunch) and the special devotional.  Elder Andersen from the qourum of the twelve had another conference to attend but Elder Hallstrom of the Presidency of the Seventy came along with the Area president .  It was really cool hearing them speak.  For me it was the ´´pre-game warm-up´´ to the field.  They talked alot about staying 100% obiediant and being the best that you could possibly be in the CTM and the field.  The mission should mean everything to you in your entire life after so thats what I intend to make it.  It was hard trying to stay focused in Class on saturday because all I was thinking about was the Field.  Sunday was especially nice because of the nice mission conference that we had with the CTM followed by Fast and Testimony meeting.  Through both meetings I was anticpating the field during every talk and trying to relate it back to myself and what I was about to do.  I had my departure interview with my Branch President which went very well.  He gave some good tips for the language and ways to always stay focused.  Sunday night we had the ´´Departing Choir´´ with the pianistic stylings of yours truly.  The help desk worker said that she would miss me but she would especially miss my piano playing more.  I began packing a little bit on Sunday but not all that much.  On Monday was packing and saying goodbye and packing some more.  Emily I had need your packing expertise because I went from pounds to Kilograms haha.  I did my two weeks worth of laundry as well as packed all the necesitties that I brought.  I felt like I was beening transfered which in reality I really was.  We had a few meetings of depture with the doctor and Pres. Clark (CTM president)  In the the health meeting we basically were told to live in a bubble for the next two years and be a safe with drinking the water.  President Clark had a lot to say about likening the scriptures to us and becoming the best that we could possibly be.  He said that we were about to change the world, which is when it really set in that I was leaving.  
    After a good night of goodbyes and lots of pictures I fell asleep, only to wake up at 5am this morning.  I had to be down front at the driveway at 630 with my bags packed and ready to go.  Luckily! Elder Sivertson and I were only 10 minutes apart with our flights so I went with his groupo of Manaus missionaries. It was us two and about 12 other brazilerios.  We literally felt like sheep to the slaughter when we walked in the airport, atleast Elder Sivertson and I.  Thank goodness for the english speaking brazilerios or else we would have been in trouble.  After my silent prayer about the backage weight :) I was cleared to go through.  Luckily again! The Manaus and Fortaleza gates were right next to eachother so we all went together.  When me and Elder Sivertson finally said our tearful goodbye we said see you in 22 and I saw him get on the bus that would take him to the plane.  I had ten more minutes so I did my best with talking to this nice older lady.  I ended up getting her address and she said to send missionaries her way.  I got on my bus kissed the ground of Sao Paulo goodbye and walked up the stairs to my plane  (Long Beach Airport style)  I thought about throughing about the peace signs like Pres. Nixon but I was surrounded by brazilerios who probably thought I was crazy already.  I boarded the plane as a solo missionary and it took off at 10am.  I arrived here in Fortaleza at about 130pm and was greeted by two secreteries.  After getting my bags, catching my taxi, and heading to the mission office.  I have finally arrived! So as stated earlier I am finally here! I had my interview with Pres. Batt and took my picture with him and his wife.  

So this is it my mission starts today! As Levi said ´´I have 2 years to do it, and the rest of my life to think about it´´  I am excited and nervous and really cant wait to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ! This is what I came to do and I know that great blessings await me.  This is my chance ´´to change the world´´ atleast the world of brazilerios  I feel peace in knowing that I will be protected always.  I love you all and I am grateful for my call to serve.  Tudo Bem!   

Elder Anderson   
Missão Brasil Fortaleza
Av. Santos Dumont 1789 Sala 1612
Ed. Potenza, Aldeota

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