"Ask God to put you just where he wants you, and to tell you what he wants you to do, and feel that you are on hand to do it." I LOVE YOU ALL - SEE YA IN TWO!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

8/8/11 Syrup Anyone?

Oi  Pessoas! Como estan? I espero muito bom! So I decided that the whole transistion of writing in portugues and then in english is actually really difficult now.  I just finished my letter to my President but I feel like my mind is still thinking portugues.  It is definatly one of those strange tricks my mind has been playing on me.  I speak english, my mind translates into another language or vise versa.  Smells like a fluent speaker is around the corner, Missy.  But I am still remaining humble. 

   So this week we were gearing up to baptize Gabriel.  He has been ready since Feburary but was waiting for the Green light from his Dad.  I think I explained it last week but we finally got last sunday and the date was set for Saturday.  We planned to meet with him every other day and make sure it was all good.  After his invertview on Friday, with our district leader he let us know that his uncle who would baptize him wasn´t going to be able to make it.  So the baptism is scheduled for next week.  We had an interesting week of visiting of let of people and trying to just stay on top of our schedule.  I have been teaching a lot more of the lessons this week because I wanted to really see what I knew.  I suprised myself everytime.  Especially if I said something that someone didn´t understand I just had to take it and rephrase it.  I had the chance to really prove my language this week on Thursday while working with a Brazilian.  On Tuesday after district meeting, E. Birdsall got new that he had a meeting in Aldeota on Thursday and I would do a division with another missionary working in our area.  I basically had to become senior over night.  I was a little nervous because I would have to lead comp study, talk with the members, basically go from a 3 to an 8 on a scale of one to 10.  It was nerveracking at first especially since the Brazilian just got here in July and didn´t have a lot of experience.  We spent the whole day together contacting recent references, teaching lessons, lunch appointment, riding the bus and so forth.  It was strange for me because I felt like I was the one be followed and not doing the following.  By the end of the day, I speaking pretty well and even picked up the accent that E. Raffati had   (Porto Allegren).  I really like it being able to speak portugues for most of the day and being able to teach a lot as well.  There is a young man in the ward that has been getting ready for his mission in Belo Horz.  He will be leaving this week and it seemed like we were invited to all his going away gatherings.  Of coarse this consisted of lots of food so I wasn´t complaining.  It was really fun going to his farewell party and talking with a lot of people that had different stories about him. 

  On Saturday we woke up to a phonecall that lunch had fallen through. So we decided we would make french toast and Homemade syrup.  For about 2  hours we were on the hunt for Vanilla.  Just to find a tiny bottle for about 4 reals.  It was insane but we needed to get it.  1 cup of Water 2 cups of Sugar and  table spoon of Vanilla.  It was a little watery but when there is no syrup to be found you make what you can´t have.  Anyone have any ideas for peanunt butter?  We also started our music class on Saturday.  There are many members that want to learn how to play the piano or just read music so we decided to teach a class every Saturday and Tuesday.  It turned out well and even our bishop showed up to learn.  After whiping the dust of my fingers from not playing for a few months I got right back into it this  weekend, teaching the keyboard and so on. 

   There hasn´t been to many major things happening these last few weeks so I am sorry I don´t have pictures again. But I´ll try for next week.  Thanks for all the support everyone.  This is the last week of the transfer and there is a high probability that E. Birdsall will be leaving so next week I might be emailing with my brazilian companion sitting next to me  :) Keep an Eye single to the glory of God and remember his hand in all things. Have a good week everyone! Love you!

Te Amo
Elder N. Anderson

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